We provide our clients with effective and zealous legal representation throughout the pendency of their divorce.
Divorce - contested and uncontested - implicates some of the most significant aspects of your life. The attorneys at Geller Law goes above and beyond at making this process as efficient as possible while protecting your most valuable interests.
Any dissolution of marriage, especially divorce, presents intricacies and issues that are specific to each client. However - from the outset - it is extremely important to understand the variations of common issues that arise in almost all types of divorces.
+Uncontested Divorce
AN UNCONTESTED DIVORCE is the mutual agreement between spouses to end their marriage. All other issues (Including, but not limited to child custody, support and the division of marital assets) are thoroughly addressed by Geller Law and accounted for via a comprehensive Stipulation Agreement. If you and your spouse can agree on the divorce (and the accompanying issues, if any), then you may qualify for an uncontested divorce.
SAVE THE ACHES. The typical uncontested divorce will save you from the time, frustration and expenses associated with litigation.
WITH EVERY UNCONTESTED DIVORCE, Geller Law will provide the following:
40 minute phone or in-house consultation;
An "A through Z" legal analysis;
Calculation of Spousal Support/Maintenance, if needed;
Document preparation, review and arrangement by an attorney;
Ongoing phone support throughout the pendency of your case; and
Filing the documents with the appropriate court.
IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN AND/OR PROPERTY, we will provide a separate, extended package. However, it will include all of the services provided in a standard uncontested divorce (above).
GELLER LAW NOW PROUDLY OFFERS CLIENTS the option of expedited uncontested divorces. We can help guarantee our clients a "lightning divorce" in 45 days or less*. To learn more and find out if you qualify, please check out:
+Contested Divorce
A CONTESTED DIVORCE arises when the spouses cannot agree on the essential issues arising from the end of their marriage (i.e., determination of marital vs. spousal property, distribution of assets and property, etc). In these cases, the attorneys at Geller Law are extremely effective at zealously advocating for and on behalf of their clients. Our legal team will address each current and future interest and strive to attain only the most equitable and favorable results.
WHILE CONTESTED DIVORCES CAN PRESENT a number of complex issues, many of these divorces can also be resolved by the parties coming to a mutual agreement with the proper legal and moral guidance of their attorneys.
+Grounds For Divorce
SEVERAL YEARS AGO, New York enacted No-Fault Divorce law - otherwise known as irretrievable breakdown - that has changed the landscape of divorce in this State. Under this approach, a couple is allowed to effectively attain a divorce by alleging an irretrievable breakdown of their marriage. Additionally, the following Fault-based legal grounds are also recognized by the State of New York for purposes of obtaining a divorce Judgment:
Cruel and Inhuman Treatment
+Equitable Distribution
EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION IS the division of marital assets. Equitable Distribution is most effeciently resolved through settlement. We handle the most complex of settlements, such as separation agreements and stipulations of divorce settlement, depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Though settlements are the preferred and least contentious methods of managing equitable distribution, it can equally be reached through Judicial Judgment by the New York courts.
ADDITIONALLY, THE ATTORNEYS AT GELLER LAW are prepared to seek modifications to previously court-issued Judgments of Divorce, when our clients interests justifiably require it. Such terms include, but are not limited to issues pertaining to child support, child custody and spousal maintenance. Conversely, our lawyers are especially effective in helping our clients enforce previously issued Judgments of divorce in the event that the terms of which are being violated by their former spouse.
GELLER Law is unrivaled in its representation of clients’ interests in a divorce:
When applicable, we draft comprehensive child custody stipulations and parenting and visitation agreements.
When applicable, we draft comprehensive child support stipulations - addressing the dynamics of the child support and the costs of child care: including but not limited to, medical costs, educational expenses, extracurricular activity costs and other reasonable and/or extraordinary child care expenses.
SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE (also known as Spousal Support or Alimony):
Reached by agreement or awarded by Court Order, we will analyze and address every factor in your life to ensure that Spousal Maintenance is justified, proper and equitable.
DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL ASSETS, including but not limited to:
marital residence,
real property,
enhanced earning capacity (i.e., graduate/professional degrees, licenses, etc.),
pension plans
bank accounts, savings, and many other marital assets.
At GELLER LAW, we embark on a thorough path of analysis that is unique to each client's circumstances. This ensures that every concern is covered prior to obtaining a divorce Judgment. Our New York divorce lawyers provide diligent and comprehensive solutions to all of your most important concerns.
Photograph compliments of Jonathan Gayman